Task 4: Nested Lists

RST Nested Lists

Lists are simple to create.

  • Create an unordered list (bullet list) using *, -, or +.

  • Create an enumerated list with numbers using #. or start the list at a specific value, such as 8 using 8.

    1. Create other types of enumerated lists using common item designators, such as A. or a..

    2. Sphinx automatically enumerates the value using #.

    3. Unfortunately, RST rendering engines do not always render the parenthesis or Roman Numerals correctly.

You can nest list or add additional content by indenting element.


Add a blank line above and below each level

- A bullet list

  #. Nested number list.
  #. Nested item 2.

- A bullet list item 2.

  Paragraph 2 of item 2.

  * Nested bullet list.
  * Nested item 2.

    A. Third level staring with 'A'
    #. Third level item B.

  * Nested item 3.



Task 4: Add installation instructions to learn how to use nested lists.

  • Use ordered or unordered lists

  • Add a caution box not to install both versions, but to chose one.

  • Use monospace text for the installation commands.

Text to Add

You can choose to install the Sphinx version (1.7.x) using the apt package
manager or you install the latest version (2.x) using from PyPI using.

Caution: Installing both versions could result in a conflict.

1. Update your repository and upgrade any out-of-date packages using
   apt-get update && apt upgrade.
2. Install a version of Sphinx:

  - Sphinx version 1.x

    a. Install Sphinx version 1: apt-get -y install python3-sphinx

  - Sphinx version 2.x

    a. Install pip3: ``apt-get -y install python3-pip``
    b. Install Sphinx version 2: ``pip3 install Sphinx``