Task 2: Paragraph and Links
Table of Contents
Paragraphs and Text Block
Paragraphs are blocks of text with a blank line between then. Line breaks are ignored.
Blockquotes are intended paragraphs or other text blocks
Here is a block quote.
Here is the second paragraph of the block quote.
Paragraphs are blocks of test with a blank line between then.
Line breaks
are ignored.
Blockquotes are indented paragraphs or other text blocks
Here is a block quote.
Here is the second paragraph of the block quote.
You will learn quickly that spaces and line breaks are very important in reStucturedText.
RST Links
External Links
RST provides several options for building links to external sites, two of which are Direct link or target definition. Sphinx automatically links raw URLs
Direct link (single use):
`Link text <link URL>`_
Get the latest news at `BBC <https://bbc.com/>`_.
Target definition (reuse):
Get the latest news at `BBC`_. You can get more than just
news at `BBC`_, such as British culture and entrainment.
.. _BBC: https://bbc.com/
Internal Links
You can link to a specific heading by name if all heading text is unique. We’ve found this unlikely in a larger project.
A way to build links to headings is to use a custom anchor that goes above a heading directly.
This code block defines two targets that you can link to directly using
the ::ref:`Label`
command. By default, Sphinx displays the heading
text in the link.
.. _RST Overview:
RST Overview content
.. _Sphinx Overview:
Sphinx Overview content
Build the links using the :ref:`Label`
Content editors should read the RST :ref:`RST Overview`
to learn about RST.
System admins should read the Sphinx :ref:`Sphinx Overview`
to learn how to configure the system.
For example, this page has a target defined as .. _Writing in RST - Task 2:
that we can link to from any page in sphinx. Clicking
Task 2: Paragraph and Links will take you to the top of this page.
Task 2: Add the following text to the overview section to learn about using paragraphs, inline markup, and creating hyperlinks.
Use inline styles
Link the URL to text Install Sphinx guide
Text to Add
**Sphinx** is a platform that *renders RST files* to a web application that is suitable for documentation. This guide provides a quick installation guide for someone wanting to set up Sphinx on a VSP. The install sphinx guide <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/quickstart.html> provides a good starting point, but we will make other changes to install the latest version of Sphinx from PyPI. The VPS setup for this workshop uses Docker image nginx\:latest <https://hub.docker.com/_/nginx>, which uses Debian 10.