Lab 1: Building an ASM File


  • These instructions are written for POSIX (Ubuntu Linux 18.04.3, x86_64).

  • The libraries from PC Assembly are 32-bit only


You will write a Hello World program using assembly code! Also, you will learn how to create a Makefile to build a project with multiple includes or dependencies.



Task 1: POSIX Environment Setup

Firstly, let’s set up the environment to compile and link assembly code.


We need to install the development tools for 32-bit because the library works for 32-bit only.

  1. Install core dev 32bit GCC tools

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install build-essential nasm gcc-multilib g++-multilib
  2. Verify that essential tools are installed

    gcc --version
    nasm --version
    make --version
  3. Download the sample files libraries fom PC Assembly

    # Create your project directory
    mkdir ~/asm
    cd ~/asm
    # Download and extract the .zip file
    mv linux-ex lib
  4. Verify that your files are in lib dir (or the folder of your choice)

    ls -lh ~/asm/lib

Task 2: Create a HelloWorld Assembly Program

  1. Create a project folder and then change to that folder

    mkdir ~/asm/hello
    cd ~/asm/hello
    touch hello.asm
  2. Edit the file using nano hello.asm or using a graphical editor

     1; include directives
     2global asm_main
     4segment .data
     5    ; DX directives (read only, static data)
     7segment .bss
     8    ; RESX directives (writable data)
    10segment .text
    11    asm_main:
    12    ; instructions
  3. Add this code to the the .text section. This code initializes the process and then cleans up afterwards.

    1enter 0,0        ; Initialize register EBP
    2pusha            ; Push register contents to the stack
    4; Your program here
    6popa             ; Restore register data from the stack
    7mov eax, 0       ; flush EAX of data
    8leave            ; restore the stack
    9ret              ; Return from main back into the C library wrapper

    Here is a brief explanation of what this |enter and leave code| does:

    enter 0,0

    enter 0,0 pushes register EBP to the stack to preserve the value and then initialize the register for use.


    pusha pushes the contents of the general-purpose registers onto the stack

    enter, leave

    enter, leave set up the stack for use. They are shorthand instructions that are equivilant to these commands:

    enter and leave are like macros for
    ; enter
    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    ; leave
    mov esp, ebp
    pop ebp
  4. Add the library to the include directives section.

    %include "../lib/"
  5. Add the hello world text to the DX directive section.

    hello    db    "Hello, world!", 0xA, 0


    Think: What is the purpose of 0xA and 0? Why are they there?

  6. Copy the data from hello to eax and then call print_string


    print will display the value in register eax

    mov     eax,  hello    ; put hello in EAX
    call    print_string   ; print data in EAX

The completed file should look like this:

; include directives
global asm_main
%include "../lib/"

segment .data
    ; DX directives (read only, static data)
    hello    db    "Hello, world!", 0xA, 0

segment .bss
    ; RESX directives (writable data)

segment .text
asm_main:                   ; entry point (called from driver.c)
    ; instructions

    enter 0,0               ; Initialize register EBP
    pusha                   ; Push register contents to the stack

    mov     eax,  hello     ; put hello in EAX
    call    print_string    ; print data in EAX

    popa                    ; Restore register data from the stack
    mov eax, 0              ; flush EAX of data
    leave                   ; restore the stack
    ret                     ; Return from main back into the C library wrapper

Task 3: Build the project

Build Overview

The build process uses multiple steps. See the graphic in x86 Assembly Language Programming.

  1. First, you create the object files (.o files) using NASM or GCC. This procedure compiles to ELF (Executable and Linkable Format)

  2. Then, you link the object files using a linker to create a file that contains machine code (or an executable).

Additional Resources

You will compile these files:


Contains labels (like macros or functions) that perform common IO operations, such as print_string or print_int.


Executes the code in the .asm file by calling asm_main()

int main()
    int ret_status;
    ret_status = asm_main();
    return ret_status;


driver.c is not required if you change global asm_main to global main in the .asm file.

C provides a convenient wrapper for our ASM files. We will need to use this method on later projects when we integrate C and ASM.

The Build Process

  1. First, we need to build asm_io.asm and driver.c. We need to do this once.


    Pay attention to the relative paths. ../ or ./

    # First, build asm_io.asm and driver.c
    # The output is a 32-bit ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) file
    nasm -f elf -d ELF_TYPE ../lib/asm_io.asm -o asm_io.o
    gcc -m32 -c ../lib/driver.c -o driver.o
  2. Then, build hello.asm.

    # Next, build the project file to ELF
    nasm -f elf hello.asm -o hello.o
  3. Lastly, link the .o files to create a single executable that contains the machine code for the target CPU. You can then execute the file.

    # Lastly, link files to create ``hello``
    gcc -m32 driver.o hello.o asm_io.o -o hello

The entire process looks like this:

 1# To compile to ELF (Executable and Linkable Format)
 3# First, build asm_io.asm and driver.c
 4nasm -f elf -d ELF_TYPE ../lib/asm_io.asm -o asm_io.o
 5gcc -m32 -c ../lib/driver.c -o driver.o
 7# Then, build and link the file
 8nasm -f elf hello.asm -o hello.o
 9gcc -m32 driver.o hello.o asm_io.o -o hello
11# Execute the file

Task 4: Create a simple Makefile

A Makefile contains commands to simplify the build process. We don’t want to manually repeat the process in the last manually. We can create different rules to recompile all dependencies or just our project files. We can also include a rule to build for specific platforms that might required additional libraries.

Follow the basic examples from What is a Makefile and how does it work? to learn how to write a Makefile to automate a build process.

Here are some resources to help you.


  • A Makefile requires the use of tabs (ASCII symbol HT, code 0x09) instead of blank spaces.

  • HTML does not display a tab or HT. You will need to copy/paste a HT from notepad if your text editor does not support tabs.

  • Here is the error code that you will receive if you do not use a tab on line number 2.

    Makefile:2: *** missing separator.  Stop.

Task 5: Create a Makefile for hello.asm

  1. Create a Makefile to build the project using these targets in the template. file. We’ve completed target hello for you. Fill in the others.

    Makefile targets for hello.asm
    # - Creates a single executable (hello)
    # - compiles dependencies (asm_io.o driver.o hello.asm) if they are not up to date
    hello: asm_io.o driver.o hello.o
        @gcc -m32 asm_io.o driver.o hello.o -o hello
        @rm hello.o           # Remove hello.o to force a recompile each time
        ./hello               # Execute hello
    # Compile hello.asm
    # Compile asm_io.asm
    # Compile driver.c
    # Clean up and then rebuild all (asm_io.asm, driver.c, and hello.asm)
    all: clean hello
    # Removes all build and temporary files
        @echo "Cleaning up..."

    Here is the expected output for each command.

    make clean

    make clean removes all non-source files.

    make clean
        sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ ls -lh
        total 32K
        -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 3.6K Feb 28 15:28 asm_io.o
        -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 1.3K Feb 28 15:28 driver.o
        -rwxrwxr-x 1 sysadmin sysadmin 9.2K Feb 28 15:28 hello
        -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  719 Feb 28 13:58 hello.asm
        -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  928 Feb 28 15:28 hello.o
        -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  580 Feb 28 15:28 Makefile
        sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make clean
        Cleaning up...
        sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ ls -lh
        total 8.0K
        -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 719 Feb 28 13:58 hello.asm
        -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 580 Feb 28 15:28 Makefile

    make calls the default target of hello. This target will build the project if the files do not exist or if they are out of date.

    Notice the contents of the directory and that the time stamps of the dependent files do not change.

    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make clean
    Cleaning up...
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ ls -lh
    total 8.0K
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 719 Feb 28 13:58 hello.asm
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 574 Feb 28 15:10 Makefile
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make
    Building hello.asm
    Hello, world!
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ ls -lh
    total 32K
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 3.6K Feb 28 15:10 asm_io.o
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 1.3K Feb 28 15:10 driver.o
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 sysadmin sysadmin 9.2K Feb 28 15:10 hello
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  719 Feb 28 13:58 hello.asm
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  928 Feb 28 15:10 hello.o
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  574 Feb 28 15:10 Makefile
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make
    Building hello.asm
    Hello, world!
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ ls -lh
    total 32K
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 3.6K Feb 28 15:10 asm_io.o
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin 1.3K Feb 28 15:10 driver.o
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 sysadmin sysadmin 9.2K Feb 28 15:15 hello
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  719 Feb 28 13:58 hello.asm
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  928 Feb 28 15:15 hello.o
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 sysadmin sysadmin  574 Feb 28 15:10 Makefile
    make asm_io.o (driver.o, hello.o)

    make asm_io.o, make driver.o, and make hello.o, will compile the .asm file to .o. The file will not recompile if it is up to date.

    make file.o
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make clean
    Cleaning up...
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make asm_io.o
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make asm_io.o
    make: 'asm_io.o' is up to date.
    make all

    make driver.all does a complete rebuild. It deletes all build files and then recompiles each file. The target calls two other targets, clean and hello

    make all
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make all
    Cleaning up...
    Building hello.asm
    Hello, world!
  2. Modify hello.asm by changing the hello world text to:

    "Hello World!! :D! Привет, мир! Сәлем Әлем!"
  3. Execute make to verify that your project rebuild successfully.

    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ nano hello.asm
    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make
    Building hello.asm
    Hello World! Привет, мир! ¡Hola Mundo!
    नमस्ते दुनिय! 你好,世界!
  4. Add a second label and string.

    world    db    "¡Hola Mundo!", 0xA, "नमस्ते दुनिया!", 0xA, "안녕하세요!", 0xA,  "你好", 0xA, "世界!", 0xA, 0
  5. Put the new string in eax and then call print_string

    mov     eax,  world   ; put world in EAX
    call    print_string   ; print data in EAX
  6. Make the project to see the new output.

    sysadmin@ubuntu:~/asm/hello$ make
    Building hello.asm
    Hello World! Привет, мир! Сәлем Әлем!
    ¡Hola Mundo!
    नमस्ते दुनिया!

See the next page for the solutions.