.. _Step 6.4: ******************************************************************* Step 4: Developing Your Flask App ******************************************************************* .. include:: urls.rst **The goal for Step 4**: To develop a completed *Quote of the Day* Python Flask app .. contents:: Table of Contents This activity was derived from these two sites * |lec26-flask| * |flask-web-app-with-python| 4.1. Creating Routes ------------------------------------------------------------------ Flask does not have a filesystem directory to locate and serve files. Instead, it uses a technique called |named routing| to map a route name to a function. Your hello-world ``index.py`` page already has the default or index route ``/``. Opening the web browser to the index page will display the contents of function ``hello_world``. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 1 @app.route("/") def hello_world(): hello = "Welcome to the quote of the day!\n" return hello Let's create a named route to greet a person by name using *flask route params*. #. First, let's rename ``hello_world()`` function to ``index()`` .. code-block:: python @app.route('/') def index(): hello = "Welcome to the quote of the day!\n" return hello #. Create a new route called ``/hello`` in your ``index.py`` file .. code-block:: python @app.route('/hello') def hello(): return "Hey there! Add add you name to the URL for a personalized quote" Here is how your file should look: .. code-block:: python :caption: With added ``hello`` route from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) # Default route @app.route("/") def index(): hello = "Welcome to the quote of the day!\n" return hello # /hello route @app.route('/hello') def hello(): return "Hey there! Add add you name to the URL for a personalized quote" # Flask app server if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=int("5000"), debug=True) #. Open the page in your browser to verify that it works as expected. .. image:: images/2022-05-19_flask-hello.png #. Add a new route with a string parameter called ``name`` and then verify the route works. .. code-block:: python @app.route('/hello//') def hello_visitor(name): return "Hey there " + str(name) + "! Here is your quote:" .. image:: images/2022-05-19_flask-hello-jimmy.png Here is how your ``index.py`` file should look: .. code-block:: python :caption: With added ``/hello/name`` route from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) # Default route @app.route("/") def index(): hello = "Welcome to the quote of the day!\n" return hello # /hello route @app.route('/hello') def hello(): return "Hey there! Add add you name to the URL for a personalized quote" # /hello route with a 'name' parameter @app.route('/hello//') def hello_visitor(name): return "Hey there " + str(name) + "! Here is your quote:" # Flask app server if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=int("5000"), debug=True) 4.2. Templates ------------------------------------------------------------------ Flask uses |Jinja2| as its template engine to provide code functionality inside the HTML files. We will separate code and user interface using a technique called templates. We make two directories to contain non-Python code files: ``templates`` The ``templates`` folder contains the HTML files ``static`` The ``static`` folder contains other files, such as images, CSS, and JS. #. Create the two directories in your ``quotes-app`` folder with the files we will need .. code-block:: bash # Verify your directory # Expected directory: ~/flask-quotes/quotes-app echo $PWD # Create the directories mkdir templates mkdir static # Create empty files touch templates/quotes.html touch static/quotes.css Your folder structure should look like this: .. code-block:: bash sysadmin@test2:~/flask-quotes/quotes-app$ tree . ├── index.py ├── static │  └── quotes.css └── templates └── quotes.html 2 directories, 3 files sysadmin@test2:~/flask-quotes/quotes-app$ #. Edit ``quotes.html`` to include ``name`` variable. |Jinja2| provides the logic and will render the ``{{name}}`` variable. .. code-block:: python :caption: quotes.html

Hello {{name}}

#. Edit ``index.py`` to render a template instead of returning HTML code for route ``/hello//``. Also, we have to import the libraries. .. code-block:: python :caption: python.py :emphasize-lines: 1, 22 from flask import Flask, flash, redirect, render_template, request, session, abort app = Flask(__name__) # Default route @app.route("/") def index(): hello = "Welcome to the quote of the day!\n" return hello # /hello route @app.route('/hello') def hello(): return "Hey there! Add add you name to the URL for a personalized quote" # /hello route with a 'name' parameter @app.route('/hello//') def hello_visitor(name): # The template can access the variable using this format: {{variable}} return render_template('quotes.html', name=name) # return "Hey there " + str(name) + "! Here is your quote:" # Flask app server if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=int("5000"), debug=True) #. Now, we can finish developing the HTML in ``quotes.html``. .. code-block:: html Quote of the Day

Hello {{name}}!

Here is an interesting quote for you:


-- {{author}}

We'll beautify the HTML file later by adding a CSS file and image. 4.3. Adding the Quotes ------------------------------------------------------------------ At this point, the HTML contains the essential structure to display the quote. Complements of UW, we have prepared the ``quotes.txt`` file for you. #. Copy the ``quotes.txt`` to your project folder * **Option 1:** Download :download:`quotes.txt ` and upload to your VPS. * **Option 2:** Copy the path above and use ``wget url-to-quotes.txt``. #. Add the code to read a random quote. The template is expecting the variables ``quote`` and ``author``. We'll read the ``quotes.txt`` file and get a random quote. .. code-block:: python :caption: python.py :emphasize-lines: 2,24,27,30 from flask import Flask, flash, redirect, render_template, request, session, abort from random import randrange app = Flask(__name__) # Default route @app.route("/") def index(): hello = "Welcome to the quote of the day!\n" return hello # /hello route @app.route('/hello') def hello(): return "Hey there! Add add you name to the URL for a personalized quote" # /hello route with a 'name' parameter @app.route('/hello//') def hello_visitor(name): # Gets a list: [quote, author] # quote=quote[0]; author=quote[1] quote = get_quote() # The template can access the variable using this format: {{variable}} return render_template('quotes.html', name=name, quote=quote[0], author=quote[1]) # return "Hey there " + str(name) + "! Here is your quote:" def get_quote(): # Read in the file and get a random quote # [quote, author, quote, author, etc...] file = open("quotes.txt", "r") quotes = file.read().replace('\r', ' ').replace( '\n', ' ').replace(' ', '--').split("--") # Get a random odd number (1, 3, 5, etc.) randomNumber = randrange(0,len(quotes)-1, 2) quote = quotes[randomNumber] author = quotes[randomNumber + 1] return [quote, author] # Flask app server if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=int("5000"), debug=True) #. Refresh your quotes page, correct any errors, and verify that it displays a random quote each time you refresh the page. .. image:: images/2022-05-19_flask-quote.png 4.4. Adding Static Files ------------------------------------------------------------------ Your project works functionality, but we need to beautify it. We'll add: * A CSS file called ``quotes.css`` * An image called ``smilingpython.gif`` |Jinja2| has a function called ``url_for`` that automatically builds the URL or path for files or other routes. Notice that our ``quotes.html`` file contains these two lines to get the links to the CSS and image files. .. code-block:: html #. Add the CSS to file ``static/quotes.css`` and then refresh the page. .. code-block:: css :caption: quotes.css #container { text-align: center; } p { font-size: 16pt; } h1 { font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive; font-weight: normal; color: #8ac640; font-size: 2.5em; } #author { font-size: 12pt; } Expected output: .. image:: images/2022-05-19_flask-quote-css.png #. Next, we'll upload the ``smilingpython.gif`` smilingpython.gif to the ``static`` directory. * **Option 1:** Download :download:`smilingpython.gif ` and upload to your VPS to folder ``quotes-app/static/``. * **Option 2:** Use ``wget`` .. code-block:: bash # Change to the static directory and download using wget cd static wget http://www.naturalprogramming.com/images/smilingpython.gif That's it! You're done!! 🙌🎉 .. image:: images/2022-05-19_flask-quote-css-image.png Your final directory structure should look like this: .. code-block:: bash sysadmin@test2:~/flask-quotes$ tree . ├── docker-compose.yml └── quotes-app ├── index.py ├── quotes.txt ├── static │  ├── quotes.css │  └── smilingpython.gif └── templates └── quotes.html 3 directories, 6 files