.. _Step 6.1: ******************************************************************* Step 1: Create a Python Flask image for your development projects ******************************************************************* .. include:: urls.rst **The goal for Step 1**: Create a Python Flask image for your development projects. We'll continue where you left off from :ref:`Step 5.3. Building a hello world python image ` by using the same Dockerfile. #. Copy your ``hello-world-python`` folder (that contains the ``Dockerfile``) to folder ``flask-dev-image``. .. Note:: You will use this image for labs 6 and 7 .. code-block:: bash cd ~ cp -r hello-world-python flask-dev-image #. Navigate to flask-dev-image and build a new image for your Flask projects called ``python/flask:dev``. .. Note:: Make changes to the Dockerfile in this folder for all Flask projects .. code-block:: bash cd ~/flask-dev-image docker build -t python/flask:dev . #. Verify that image was built successfully. .. code-block:: bash :emphasize-lines: 6,8 Step 7/7 : CMD python ./index.py ---> Running in 755548d69592 Removing intermediate container 755548d69592 ---> df7d7ef24f24 Successfully built df7d7ef24f24 Successfully tagged python/flask:dev sysadmin@test2:~/flask-dev-image$ sysadmin@test2:~/flask-dev-image$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE python/flask dev df7d7ef24f24 About a minute ago 63MB