************************************ Step 3: Persist Data Using Volumes ************************************ .. contents:: Table of Contents **Objective**: Demonstrate the separation of volumes and containers. A challenge in working with Docker containers is how to back up container data. Or, what happens if you accidentally remove a container! Any data on the inside of the container gets destroyed if the container is stopped and removed. Docker makes it easy to remove containers, which increases the level of risk when using containers. Mounting volumes keeps the data outside of the container. Our containers become disposable when we use volumes to mount the container data in our VPS. + We can stop and delete the containers in the project because the data remains on the VPS. + We can destroy a container and pull in an updated version without worrying about data loss. + We can migrate the data to a new machine and launch new containers. Let's look at how volumes work through trial and error using Docker Compose. Verifying Volume Data ======================= #. Let's take another look at Docker Compose commands that we have used. .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up -d # Creates and starts the Docker project in daemon mode. docker-compose start # Starts images that were running but are now stopped. docker-compose stop # Stops the project but keeps the containers. docker-compose down # Stops the project and removes the containers. docker-compose down -v # 1) Stops the project, # 2) removes the containers, # 3) and remove the volume data. There are two commands that stop a running project (``stop`` and ``down``). However, one also removes the containers. Let's do both! #. Stop the running containers using ``stop``, but don't remove them. .. code-block:: bash docker-compose stop #. Try to access the webpage. You will get a `502 Bad Gateway` error. + The project is stopped but the containers still exist. View the stopped containers through command ``docker ps -a``. They have the status of `Exited`. .. code-block:: bash :caption: Output :emphasize-lines: 1,4,6,7 root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# docker-compose stop Stopping wordpressdocker_wordpress_1 ... done Stopping wordpressdocker_db_1 ... done root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 28822cf1444c wordpress:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" About an hour ago Exited (0) 16 seconds ago wordpressdocker_wordpress_1 cdc959eb5014 mariadb "docker-entrypoint.s…" About an hour ago Exited (0) 15 seconds ago wordpressdocker_db_1 2175f0a86466 nextcloud "/entrypoint.sh apac…" 7 days ago Up 6 days>80/tcp condescending_agnesi root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# #. Start the project and then refresh the webpage. It will be back where you left it. .. code-block:: bash docker-compose start .. code-block:: bash :caption: Output :emphasize-lines: 1 root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# docker-compose start Starting db ... done Starting wordpress ... done root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# #. Now, let's remove the containers entirely! .. Note:: Running this command without having volumes will remove the contain and all data. .. code-block:: bash docker-compose down #. View the stopped containers through command ``docker ps -a``. You will see that the containers are gone. However, our data is still there. You can verify that the volume data still exists using ``ls -lh`` to view the directory contents. .. code-block:: bash :caption: Output :emphasize-lines: 1,8,12 root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# docker-compose down Stopping wordpressdocker_wordpress_1 ... done Stopping wordpressdocker_db_1 ... done Removing wordpressdocker_wordpress_1 ... done Removing wordpressdocker_db_1 ... done Removing network wordpressdocker_default root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 2175f0a86466 nextcloud "/entrypoint.sh apac…" 7 days ago Up 6 days>80/tcp condescending_agnesi root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# ls -lh total 12K drwxr-xr-x 5 999 root 4.0K Mar 30 11:27 db_data -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 660 Mar 30 10:10 docker-compose.yml drwxr-xr-x 5 www-data www-data 4.0K Mar 30 11:27 wordpress root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# #. Now, rebuild the project using ``docker-compose up -d`` .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up -d .. code-block:: bash :caption: Output :emphasize-lines: 1 root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# docker-compose up -d Creating network "wordpressdocker_default" with the default driver Creating wordpressdocker_db_1 ... Creating wordpressdocker_db_1 ... done Creating wordpressdocker_wordpress_1 ... Creating wordpressdocker_wordpress_1 ... done root@vps298933:~/wordpress-docker# #. Refresh the webpage. It should be back where you left it because the data and the applications are separated. Creating backups of the project data is simple. You need to save the project directory only. The container data are disposable.